- Company: Belleville Harrison
- Title: Harrison Machine Works, Belleville Threshers
- Published: 1881
- Description: Roberts and Cox threshers, history of Harrison Machine Works, separators, how they work, dimensions, cuts, portable engines, dimensions, saws, traction engines, Dingee horsepower and testimonials
- Size: 6 1/8" x 9 1/4"; 36 pages
- Item: #205 - $21.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz. Protective cover made from 1954 Post Toasties box included free
- Company: Belleville Harrison
- Title: Threshers and Engines
- Published: 1886
- Description: Belleville thresher and how they work, dimensions, cuts, Dingee horsepower and testimonials, saws, traction engines with stack thru steam dome, Jumbo engines, stackers, many cuts and testimonials
- Size: 6 1/4" x 9"; 28 pages
- Item: #206 - $17.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Harrison Machine Works
- Title: Threshing Machinery
- Published: 1887
- Description: Belleville, portable and Jumbo engines, testimonials, descriptions, Dingee Woobury horsepower, saws, threshers, stackers, more testimonials, how to operate and a few awards.
- Size: 8 3/8" x 10"; 28 pages
- Item: #207 - $17.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Belleville Harrison
- Title: Harrison Machine Works
- Published: 1891
- Description: The "Jumbo" steam engine, how it is built, many nice sectional views, discussions, threshers
- Size: 6 1/8" x 8 3/4"; 22 pages
- Item: #161 - $13.00
- Company: Harrison Machine Works
- Title: Repair Price List
- Published: 1889 with 1892 Supplement
- Description: How to set up, care for, operate and shut down a Jumbo engine with very good directions. How to operate threshers, horsepowers and stackers. There are 28 pages of prices from 1889 and 4 from 1892.
- Size: 4 3/4" x 9 1/2"; 26 pages
- Item: #208 - $15.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Harrison Machine Works
- Title: Belleville, Ill.
- Published: 1893
- Description: Thresher history, description and dimensions, swinging stacker, Jumbo traction engine, four sizes, description, throttle valve, reverse valve gear, two speed, friction clutch and testimonials
- Size: 6 1/2" x 9 7/8"; 24 pages
- Item: #210- $15.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Harrison Machine Works
- Title: Repair Price List
- Published: 1895
- Description: Jumbo engines, four sizes, dimensions, threshers, dimensions, automatic Uncle Tom's stackers, horsepowers, saws and testimonials
- Size: 7 1/8" x 9"; 24 pages
- Item: #211 - $15.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Harrison Machine Works
- Title: Belleville Threshing Machinery
- Published: 1898
- Description: Threshers with several cuts, descriptions and dimensions, stackers, Jumbo traction and portable engines with particulars, horsepowers, band cutters and feeders, testimonials
- Size: 8 3/8" x 9 1/4"; 20 pages
- Item: #209 - $13.00
- Courtesy: Steve Kunz
- Company: Harrison Machine Works; Belleville, Illinois
- Title: Grain Separators, Traction Engines, Hay Balers
- Published: 1920
- Description: The "Jumbo" steam engine, separators, balers, dimensions
- Size: 16 3/8" x 22"; 12 pages
- Item: #120 - $6.00
- Courtesy: Peter Burno
- Company: Harrison Machine Works; Belleville, Illinois
- Title: Belleville Threshing Machinery
- Published: 1923
- Description: The "Jumbo" steam engine, threshers, balers, and specifications
- Size: 7 3/8" x 10"; 28 pages
- Item: #036 - $16.00
- Company: Harrison Machine Works; Belleville, Illinois
- Title: Belleville Threshing Machinery
- Published: 1925?
- Description: The "Jumbo" engine, balers, separators, and specifications
- Size: 12 1/2" x 19"; 4 pages
- Item: #121 - $5.00
- Courtesy: Peter Burno